
My childhood memories

When it comes to my unique childhood memories, what firstly jump into my mind is the experience with my grandfather.

When I was a kid, I used to live with my grandparents, who lived in a dim cement room. At that time, we kept an strange schedule that we usually sleep at eight p.m. and get up at 4 a.m. So, I can often have a glance of the special nature where almost no trace of people. I was crazy about the feeling that I looked at the street light gradually turned off, waiting until the sun appeared. Then, I was especially fascinated by the sunrise in the mountains at every clear dawn. The sun slowly climbed up the hill, scattering its rays to every corner of world. Every time I saw that scenery, I can felt a surge of warmth trembling down my body.

Compared with that time, the life nowadays seem to be tasteless and dull. I am always busy on dealing with my academic pressure and working pressure, lacking of time to stop and admire the wonderful scenery which may be waiting for you at a place where almost no trace of people.